I like to think that we all picture our future self as one who is kind, and giving, and truthful. A living dictionary of positive adjective...

Last Saturday, Nadjya held her 17th birthday party at Sanjiken, and believe me when I say that it was an eventful night. From drunken guys ...

I love having a skin care routine that I can stick to. It keeps me from feeling cluttered, which I find most useful at night when I’m abo...

This week I did a little experiment on my evening habits. Each day after I got home from school, I tried out various things to see how they...

Contradictory to my last post, I'm going to be sharing a smoothie bowl recipe that I've been making for the past two days. It...

Ok, here's the thing. And I know I'm gonna get grilled by all the vegan hardcores out there (thank god none of them even knows of...

I feel oddly motivated today, even though it's a Monday. I'm also a big believer in self-motivation, so I decided to make these ed...