Motivational Monday

I feel oddly motivated today, even though it's a Monday. I'm also a big believer in self-motivation, so I decided to make these ed...

I feel oddly motivated today, even though it's a Monday. I'm also a big believer in self-motivation, so I decided to make these edits for my desktop background, ha. I really like them and feel like sharing them with you. 

I live by this. Be kind. It's the most valuable trait anyone can have. Plus it's not rocket science. I love this whole combo of being kind, humble and strong. I guess they're the values that I always aspire to be, yet sometimes neglect.

Everyone should have a form of self empowerment. It doesn't have to be a God, it can be your Mom, or anything really. I love this verse from Psalms because it's strengthening (cheesy abis), which is seriously needed when you're constantly struggling under the claws of the IB devil.

This last quote can be metaphorical and/or literal. It simply urges for you to be more attentive. I often find myself careless, even over the littlest things. It's good to always remember the little details that often make up for the bigger picture. On the other side, this quote also tells you to get up when you're faced with downfalls. 

Hopefully you can find your motivation to get through the dreaded Monday, or any other day of the week for that matter.


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